Church in Gościeszowice

Church in Gościeszowice Poland

Church in Gościeszowice

In the village Gościeszowice is a historic Gothic church built in the second half XIII century. Surrounded by a wall with the historic gate. For late-Gothic tower of the church was built, and the Classicist chapel burial (about 1800 years) with wmurowanymi the wall renaissance tombstones.
The church has a shoulder pulpit, altar in the form of a triptych of 1505 r, the choir from 1592
The text above is derived from the information board in front of the church.

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Church in Gościeszowice Church in Gościeszowice
Church in Gościeszowice KChurch in Gościeszowice
Church in Gościeszowice Church in Gościeszowice
Church in Gościeszowice Church in Gościeszowice

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