
Grodowiec Poland


In the Middle Ages at the site of the present church was a wooden church, which burned down in 1591. The new church was built of stone and brick in 1602. The church was destroyed during the Thirty Years War and then rebuilt by the faithful. In the eighteenth century has been developed and in the nineteenth century, the tower was added. In the years 1913-1914 was completely renovated. During World War II, the church was destroyed, later pastors were trying to bring the church to good condition (including protected the entire church).

Lubomierz Poland

Lubomierz (German Liebenthal)

The town is mainly known for the cult comedy “Sami Swoi”, which has been realized in Lubomierz.
It is the smallest town in Dolnośląskie Provice but it can pride on many beautiful monuments.
(Unfortunately due to lack of time when visiting Lubomierz I was unable to take photos – I’ll try to make up for it in the future),

Złoty Stok Poland

Złoty Stok – gold mine (Germ. Reichenstein)

The first excavation works in the Złoty Stok area had already been conducted about 2000 years BC. Till today over 300km of galleries, wells and roadways located on 21 levels have been hollowed. During the time of extraction that is for over 700 years, over 16 tons of pure gold have been extracted in the mines of Złoty Stok.

