
Niwiska (Germ. Niebusch, Bergenwald)
In the village there are two churches (one desolate) and a palace.
Slightly camouflaged behind trees and bushes (next to Voluntary Fire Service) there are ruins of a protestant church built in XVIII century (and rebuilt in XIX for late-classical style). Till the late ‘60s it was a catholic church where masses were celebrated. The church is becoming more and more desolate after transferring the parish to the Church of Lady of the Rosary at the opposite side of the road. This church was built in the XIII century.
Not far away from the churches the palace and manor complex is located. The palace was built in renaissance style in 1582 for the family of von Berge (or von Bergk). In 1753 it was thoroughly modernized to the baroque style.
Currently the palace has a private owner and is falling into ruin; broken windows are covered only with plastic foil or bricks. Instead of fence there are tree branches. It’s visible most of the palace is empty and not heated therefore moisture and mold have seized the walls from the inside. The remainings of elevation fall off the outside walls.